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Interested in donating or placing an ad in this year's volume? Send us an email using the form below.

standing on the shoulders of giants

We can't do it without your support.

for advertisers

Your support is not just an investment in ad space; it's a strategic partnership with a publication that is making history. Position your brand at the heart of our revival to reach a diverse audience of 2,300+ students, parents and young alumni. Explore the possibilities and secure your place in the Blueprint story by accessing our Media Kit below.

for alumni

Your connection with Georgia Tech doesn't end at graduation; it's a lifelong journey. As Blueprint Yearbook makes its triumphant return, we invite you to be a crucial part of shaping the legacy. By contributing to our fundraising efforts, you ensure the continued success of Blueprint. Your donations will directly support the production of the next year's book, acquire essential camera equipment, facilitate awards submissions, and enable our team to attend conferences and events. Your generosity fuels the passion behind every page, preserving the stories that define the Georgia Tech experience. Join us in creating a lasting impact. Give back, stay connected, and be part of the Blueprint legacy.

for parents

Parents, capture the pride and joy of your Yellow Jacket's Georgia Tech journey by placing a commemorative or congratulatory ad in the upcoming Blueprint Yearbook. Your heartfelt message will be a lasting tribute, etched into the pages of a historic edition marking the return of our beloved yearbook after five years.
Don't miss this chance to honor your student's achievements and milestones. Join us in creating a keepsake that preserves the memories of their academic triumphs and experiences. Submit your ad today and be an integral part of the Blueprint legacy.

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